At our firm, the gun charges we typically handle are carrying a concealed weapon or weapons under disability. We also often deal with the misdemeanor handling of a firearm while intoxicated.
Can You Get Probation For A Gun Charge Conviction In Ohio?
You can certainly get probation in Ohio for a gun charge. It depends on the circumstances involved and oftentimes, on the prior history of the individual being charged.
What Are The Concealed Carry Laws In Ohio?
To carry a concealed weapon in Ohio, you must have a permit, which entails taking a class and being licensed to carry. Once you have taken the class, then you have to file an application with the County Sherriff. You need to carry that license on you at all times.
Is Open Carry Legal In Ohio?
Open carry, meaning people who own firearms may openly carry them in public, is legal in Ohio.
What Charges Could Someone Face When Caught Carrying A Firearm Without A License In Ohio?
Charges related to carrying a firearm without a license depend on the circumstances of the incident, as well as on the weapon. It’s not necessarily illegal to just carry a firearm, you are allowed to carry a firearm without a gun license if you are going hunting. If you are in a facility that serves alcohol, for instance, that would be illegal. Just to carry a weapon, the only way to go hunting, is certainly legal and permissible in Ohio.
What Are Potential Sentences For Weapons Or Firearms Convictions In Clark County, Green County, Montgomery County, And Champagne County, Ohio?
The potential consequences for a weapons conviction in Ohio depend on the circumstances and the type of weapons, as well as the history involved. For instance, if you have a weapons under disability charge, because they will file it as a felony, they tend to be much more severe. A court could impose prison sentences in this situation, but if it’s a first offense or there are other circumstances involved, you can oftentimes get the charge reduced or dismissed. One example of a circumstance that could reduce or dismiss the charge would be a defendant not aware the weapon was in the facility or house they were in.
Why Do I Need To Hire An Experienced Weapons Defense Attorney To Represent Me In My Gun Charges Case?
Hiring an experienced weapons defense attorney can help your outcome. An experienced defense attorney will know when and how to negotiate with a prosecutor or explain a situation to the judge to mitigate a sentence. Oftentimes, an experienced defense attorney can get the charge dismissed or reduced to a charge that is much less severe.
For more information on Weapons & Firearms Charges in Ohio, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (864) 271-7940 today.
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